August 13, 2014

Closet Confidential TAG

Hi babes. Today I wanted to film the Closet Confidential TAG, because it's the type of video I love watching and I'm sure some of you are nosey like me and want to see into my wardrobe. I hope you like it, give it a thumbs up if you did. It really helps my channel + blog grow! I tag ALL OF YOU so if you film (or do a blog post) this send me the link! As always, leave any video requests below and thank you for watching!

1. What is the oldest item in your wardrobe/closet?
2. What is the newest item?
3. What is the most expensive item?
4. What is the cheapest/most affordable item? (that you wear/use a lot!)
5. What was the biggest bargain?
6. What was the biggest waste of money?!
BONUS QUESTION - Show us your three favourite items right now!

NastyGal Black Tank (in color

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